Remote Nation (installation view adjacent to High Line, New York City)
Remote Nation (detail)
Remote Nation (detail)
Remote Nation (installation view from High Line)
Remote Nation (installation view street level)
Remote Nation (interior detail)
Remote Nation (installation view adjacent to High Line, New York City)
Remote Nation (installation view adjacent to High Line, New York City)

100 channel video installation,  private real-time broadcast

Remote Nation is a public art installation in which the inhabitants of an entire high-rise Manhattan apartment building appear to watch the same television station simultaneously. Viewers outside of the building are presented with an orchestrated display of the ambient televised light which appears to be organic, pulsing, breathing and changing color reminiscent of aurora borealis. From the outside looking in, the viewer becomes a voyeur to these individual electronic campfires, as a witness of the collective solitude of a remote, tv-watching nation. 

Remote Nation (detail)
Remote Nation (detail)

Inspired by the artist's parents who often watched the same program, but in separate parts of the family home, the one hundred televisions distributed throughout the building received a live cross country re-transmission of whatever the artist's father was watching on his TV in Boulder, Colorado. This transcendence of distance prompted the viewer to think about how one's behavior can be impactful even when far away and out-of-sight.

Remote Nation (detail)
Remote Nation (detail)
Remote Nation (installation view from High Line)
Remote Nation (installation view from High Line)
Remote Nation (installation view street level)
Remote Nation (installation view street level)
Remote Nation (interior detail)
Remote Nation (interior detail)